Monday, July 20, 2009

Motivated and Ready for Vineman!

Since I spoke of the idea of training for an Ironman years ago, I have had to deal with judgments. I have been told I was crazy, that I could never accomplish such a thing, that I could hurt myself, that I didn't have it in me to complete it. During the training season I was underestimated, believed to be a liability to the TNT Organization because of my poor swimming skills. Another friend revealed to me that she had judged or assumed me to belong in a specific box. Every single one of these individuals were WRONG about me. You do not know me or of my many facets. You do not know how much will and drive I have. I may be more on the quiet and unassuming side. I may be polite and laid back in character. But I am certainly NOT one to back down from anything that I seriously approach.

My life has always been about judgments. I have always had to contend with preconceptions about who I was.... because of the way I dress, the color of my skin, my smaller stature, the slight slant of my eyes, my family history etc., I have risen repeatedly to all the challenges set forth before me. I have struggled, I have hit rock bottom and have climbed out from the darkness. I failed miserably and have learned from those failures. I have come from divorced parents and an abusive home. I have had to grow up much quicker than I should have. I have survived my own divorce and coming to terms with and the acceptance of who I am.

I am not special in anyway. We all have had our own challenges and struggles in life. What is most important is how we react to those challenges and struggles. We must battle on and we must grow and evolve. We become STRONGER in character, in our WILL, and in our DRIVE. During Ironman, I will rely on my past experiences and use them to my advantage. They will push me to dig deep, allowing me again to face my own demons and to rise above them. I WILL complete this challenge. I WILL prove you wrong. I WILL be determined and strong. I WILL NOT let you assume anything about me. I WILL be as I have been all my life....... IRON!


Lisa said...

Belinda - you are amazing. I have never doubted you! Go and kick ass. Live each moment in the absolute present. You only have this one very moment to deal with/enjoy/relish/survive...the future doesn't matter, nor does the past. I know you can and will do it.

Sil's eBlog said...

My Dearest B! What a beautiful post. I will be supporting you with all my heart and positive energy. You go girl! And you will complete the ironman!!!!

Underwater Love said...

I think it is best if everyone can live their lives to be their own inspiration. No need to look any further than one self, if you are doing things right. Belinda, you can definitely say that for yourself. Good luck in your pursuits. Hope the swimming is going well.


Unknown said...

You will. I know you will. Your commitment and steadfastness shine bright.

Anonymous said...

You GO GIRL!! I'm so proud of you. You are IRON (and sweetness :-))

Aunt Janet

Danielle said...

People who do know you never had a doubt that your word is bond, so if you say so, I believe you...I don't always understand it, but I do know it's true (Antartica, really, ugh!). Maybe your doubters and detractors will learn an important lesson about assumptions and having faith, but then again, who cares, they suck anyway! You Rock, You Know It!

SDCrawford said...

I wish I could be on the sidelines to cheer you on but the first fall training ride is on the same day.

Make sure to smile when you pass Tony on the run!

You will have an awesome day!

Unknown said...

Thank you for being such an inspiration, I've really learned from you. You're awesome.

Anonymous said...

Here's to breaking the bonds of judgment and preconceived notions!! Thank you, Belinda, for teaching us to expand our thinking and see beyond the "expected". You WILL succeed! I'm proud of you.

Anonymous said...

The above comment was from Kim :-)

Unknown said...

Ver well said. I believe in you abilities.

Unknown said...

Belinda, you are an incredible woman! With your drive, determination, and heart, you can achieve anything! How anyone could have doubted that is beyond me!